Dear Peralta CCD Colleagues,
As I noted in my July 29, 2020 announcement, my Board colleagues and I are committed to keeping you informed as we search for the best possible person to serve as our Interim Chancellor and support your good work in keeping learning and services stable during these tumultuous times.
Interim Chancellor Search Process
The Board met Monday August 3rd and discussed our expectations for the Interim Chancellor, and approved several key elements of the search process:
Search Process & Timeline. This process and timeline document represents our efforts to balance urgency with transparency and inclusion. This expedited process includes input from the college community (details below) and a tight calendar, with the goal of hiring an interim chancellor by October 1.
Search Committee. This body, with representatives from all our key stakeholders will convene starting August 26. Selection of internal representatives will be made by each constituency. Trustees will appoint board and community representatives. This Committee will help draft the position description/announcement and select finalists for the Board to consider.